Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Storyboard Project

Our group has been working on a group PowerPoint presentation. We decided to choose French I as our topic of choice. So far, it has been pretty fun to find music, pictures, and quotes. Each one of us has a certain part that we have to do. I have to interview a counselor about how to sign up for French, and how much it costs. So far, we are off to a great start. We have our music selected, pictures, quotes, and a slide background. It is looking very good. I think that the final overall project will come out well and neat.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

iPhoto Name Project

We recently made a project using iPhoto about our names and interests. We had to find letters of our first and last names with letters found in unique ways. Also, we found pictures of our interests and turned all of the photos into a slideshow. We added music and effects to the pictures. It was somewhat hard to find pictures, because letters in nature are hard to come by. Overall, it was a fun idea, but somewhat hard to find the photos. I would like to do something like this again. I think that everyone else enjoyed it as well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Charity Letter

We recently had to write a letter about a charity event that we were hosting. We used Excel and Word to do this. First, on Excel, we made a graph of ten people that we were sending the letter to. We put name, address, city/state, and zip code. Once we were done with that, we saved it and closed Excel. Next, we opened Word and made a three-paragraphed letter to the ten people. After the letter, we put a picture of the charity we were helping out. Finally, we mail merged the contacts from Excel to save time, instead of changing the name and printing them out separately. I chose to have a golf auction to raise money for a Boys and Girls Club. Overall, it was a project that I enjoyed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Project

This picture is a screenshot of the M&M project that we did on March 15, 2011. We had to empty out M&M bags of candy and count the colors of candy. We then found out other people's bags to see what types of candy that they had. We then figured out the total of each candy, and found percentages out of 229. We also did averages for these. We made a pie graph to show our data of our research. We used Excel to complete this assignment. It was a fun assignment that I enjoyed. We also got to eat the M&Ms!

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Blog

In this class, I hope to learn how to use iMovie effectively and to learn how to make videos to post on YouTube. I want to learn how, in the future, to be a movie director. I want to learn skills in this class to succeed and be a successful director. I am probably intermediately skilled with using computers. To me, they are interesting and I want to learn more about them. I am into computers and enjoy using them in school. They help us in class and we can learn more efficiently. I also heard that this class is very fun!