Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Group Project Part 2

After we had gathered all of the information and interviews that we needed, we had to put it together in iMovie. We added the music at certain parts, pictures, interviews in certain spots, and edited the film to make it appear crisper. To our group, we thought the project had turned out very well. The talking from the teacher and the counselor was on cue, and the music we used did not interfere with the other talks going on. It turned out very well, and our group believes that we will receive a good grade on the project. We had also worked together very well together. It was a great group effort.

French Group Project

We had to make a movie recently for the incoming freshman about a certain topic. Our group decided to use French I. We used iMovie and Photo booth to perform this assignment. We had to interview the French  teacher and a counselor. We talked about how to sign up for the class and what happens in class. We also added music and pictures in the project to enhance it. I learned how to use iMovie more effectively and how to edit film. It was a pretty cool project, and I learned a lot from doing it. I think that the freshman will enjoy it and learn from the film.

Friday, April 1, 2011


We had to make a Podcast using GarageBand. It was based on a movie of our choice. I chose Rocky. During the podcast, we have to talk about the movie and what happens during it. In addition, we have to add pictures at certain scenes and jingles. It turned out pretty well. I thought that the best part of the Podcast was recording our voices and talking about the movie. I do not know why, but it seems like your voice sounds different when you are talking either on a camera or on the computer. It was a fun project, and I hope to do something like this again.